Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Understanding The Concept of Simple Free Energy

Simple Free Energy is defined as "a thermodynamic quantity that is the difference between the internal energy of a system and the product of its absolute temperature and entropy".

Doesn't sound simple? Simple free energy is mainly based on the concept of perpetual motion, which is taken literally and refers to movement that goes on forever. This can be through any device or system that indefinitely (perpetually) produces more energy than it consumes. The end result is a net output of energy for an indefinite time.

This may seem like a contradiction to either the first or second law of thermodynamics, but as some inventors who challenge these things argue that, "like all scientific theories, the laws of physics are incomplete. Outside of pure mathematics, stating that things are absolutely impossible is more of a hallmark of pseudoscience than of true science."

However, the principles of thermodynamics are so well established, both theoretically and experimentally, that proposal for perpetual motion machines are universally met with disbelief on the part of physicists.

This does not however, deter many inventors and scientists from different countries, and surprisingly - there have been many devices made that support the concept of simple free energy, of which the proposed end result is a significant reduction of one's electricity bill, or the total elimination of it.

Systems that utilize simple free energy range from the use of solar energy, wind energy, and more recently - the use of magnetic power generators, which claims to create absolutely free energy. If you were to do your research, there are many small private companies now offering this kind of products at a surprisingly affordable cost, and one only needs a weekend to get everything assembled and up and running.

These inventors believe that simple free energy should be utilized to its maximum potential - especially now that the world is experiencing a recession, and many people are looking for better ways to reduce their electrical consumption,

But do these devices do what they claim to do, in making free energy generators available and accessible to every household in the planet? According to the inventors, these free energy devices have been long kept a secret by the corporate world – and for good reason. Such devices would allow people to have their own energy for free, resulting in the shutting down of the major players in the energy market. This is because people would have no need for them anymore and will no longer pay for the electricity.

That is why many proponents of simple free energy devices have been having a tough time seeking the public audience. To call it a conspiracy theory by the government or the big corporations would just put their category in the realm of pseudoscience, but such is not the case. If you were to do your own research online, and perform your due diligence, you will be surprised that this kind of energy is fast becoming a trend in the 21st century.

As of this date, there are a good deal of devices now in steady circulation and used by people - like you and me - reaping the benefits of simple free energy.

The Author is very interested in the technology of alternative forms of electrical production. Further info is available on my DIY Energy website. Other pertinent info is the DIY Simple Free Energy Guide Reviews

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